Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sherry Turkle

I think of all the readings, I like Sherry Turkle's the best.  She claims that we are in such a plugged-in society that we are all forgetting to connect with one another on a more personal, human level.  There is nothing like speaking to someone, face-to-face, as we try to work out a problem or tell a funny story to our family and friends.  It is through this form of communication that true love and connection can happen.  I have never allowed technology at the dinner table with the exception of the TV during a crisis or something truly important that the family wants to check out together.  My family tries really hard to be together during dinner time.  It doesn't always happen and sometimes we may eat quite late to be sure we can all eat and talk together, however, it is truly my favorite time of the day (not sure if it's the food, conversation, or wine ... probably all three)!

I do feel as though there is a place for social media though.  I know I would not know so much about my grandbabies that will be arriving soon if it were not for social media.  My step-daughter works crazy hours and is in school full-time so I get bits and pieces of how she and Anderson are doing through texting, Instagram and twitter.   My step-son lives in Miami and they face-time with us once a week.  Seeing little Ryan growing beautifully each week is such a gift that I would not have had if it were not for social media.  I guess I would receive pictures and such but it is not the same.  It is a face-to-face connection that I look forward to.  Also, it was through face-time that they told us they were pregnant.  We certainly had a human to human experience that night.  I cried like a baby and my husband teared up.  What a moment I will never forget!!

When I think about Turkle and Wesch, I really don't think of them as having opposing sides.  I think of Wesch as a person that is focusing on teachers connecting with students and Turkle as connecting with human beings in general.  I think they both have very valid arguments but these arguments are not opposing, just different.  I'm not sure if that makes sense.

I look forward to talking about this article!

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