Monday, July 1, 2013

7/1 Second Post

I am a digital immigrant, big time!!!!! I force myself to tweet, blog, etc.  I also force myself to learn new digital tools in my classroom this year such as prezi, and animoto and I was amazed at what the students produced.  My presentations were quite basic and took me a long time to do.  However, the students gave really cool presentations which took them half the time it took me.

The following link is the Educator Innovator I spoke about in class that is connected to the National Writing Project.  Just one more thing to do in our spare time, right? I know, that was a joke : )  I did have fun listening to some of the webinars.

I am hoping to have time this summer to explore "hack jam".  This is something I was introduced to by a colleague at my school.  For instance, as a mid term exam, my colleague had his students take a NECAP exam and "hack" it.  The students cut up the exam with scissors and made a new document out of it.  Kind of controversial but it was an interesting concept.

In one of Lesley's classes last year, we viewed the following Ken Robinson presentation which I thought was so interesting.  It is about how teaching is still a factory model.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to being a digital immigrant and working twice as long as the students. I watched the hack Jam, but not real sure on the NECAP connection. If it leads to lessening the seriousness, my department would not support it. I watched the TED talk and found it fascinating, but not sure of the solution?
