Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Your first post should be a short introduction to you:
who are you  Madonna Thompson
where you teach  North Providence High School, North Providence, RI
why you decided to do a masters in ASTL  I have been thinking about where I see my career going and ASTL fits my needs.  I have taken a number of classes at RIC so I only have a few more to take.
what you do in your spare time  I love to read, garden, ride my bike and walk my dog Toby.  Spending time with my daughter and step children who are all well into adulthood is a favorite!! I am also on the board at the Rhode Island Writing Project which takes up a fair amount of time.  Wish I had more time to spend on biking and reading : )
etc.  I am excited about being a part of the cohort.  I have to admit, though, that I am a bit nervous.  I feel as though I am behind with technology so I hope I can navigate through this course OK.  This summer I did start twittering, however, I have not even looked at it since mid-August.  I started a blog for my classes at NPHS and really hope I use it.  Also, I do not have a facebook because it scares me (teaching fears) and I just don't have time anyway.

First Post

Hello class!!  I look forward to working with all of you!!!